Jednym z aspektów promowania nauki języka angielskiego w naszej szkole jest zachęcanie uczniów do udziału w kursach prowadzonych na platformie e-learningowej „Future Learn”. W tym roku, dwie uczennice klasy 7b, pogłębiały swoją wiedzę o sztukach Williama Szekspira w dwutygodniowym kursie „Shakespeare: Context and Stagecraft” przygotowanym przez King’s College LONDON . Nic tak nie kształtuje umiejętności produktywnych , jak rozwój sprawności receptywnych. Czego nauczyły się dziewczęta? Przeczytajcie sami:
„The course ,, Shakespeare: Contex and Stagecraft" learned me a lot. I saw Shakespeare's plays in different light, ways and interpretations. It was useful and interesting. As for ,,Romeo and Juliet" I always thought it was about their love. I was confused when I got to know that it's rather about conflict between families, values and parts of society. The two main character, Romeo and Juliet shared sonnet. Sonnet is a composition of a poetic liteary work composed of 14 lines with rhymes at the ends of the lines. I saw too that the prologue reveals some information about what will happen next in this play. The next play that I came to know is ,,The Merchant of Venice" and the racism in it. Shylock from this play suffered when he saw inequality and the treatment of Jews. Christians discriminated and didn't accept him. The cue script is an important element to understanding the construction of plays from William Shakespeare. It is a way to impart pertinent information to actors while enabling them to perform with little to no rehearsal. ,,Macbeth" is Shakespeare’s shortest and most speedy tragedy about the dangers of the lust for power. I found out about the failed 1605 Gunpowder Plot. In the cellars under Parliament intended to blow up the King and government. The definition of equivocation is the use of ambiguous or unclear language with the intention to deceive the listener or to avoid answering a question directly. Thanks to this, I also know how to use you and thou. As a rule of thumb ,,you" was more formal and respectful than ,,thou". I found out all of this and even more by joining to this course”
Ewelina 7b
„ I am very happy that I took part in the „Shakespeare: Context and Stagecraft” course. This course taught me a lot. The interesting thing was I saw Shakespeare’s art. From different angles and interpretations. I always thought „Rome and Juliet” was about love. In this course, I learned that the whole story is actually about family conflicts. I have no regrets about joining this course and I am eager to continue learning about Shakespeare.
Klaudia 7b