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Kursy językowe na platformie e-learningowej to już tradycja, są innowacyjną oraz komfortową alternatywą dla wszystkich osób, które cenią sobie oszczędność czasu oraz wygodę nauczania. W prosty sposób za pomocą urządzeń takich jak na przykład komputer lub telefon można czerpać wiedzę, a jednocześnie spędzać produktywnie czas w domowym zaciszu. Prowadzone przez brytyjskich edukatorów zapewniają kontakt z prawdziwym językiem i autentycznymi materiałami, które mogą być opracowywane w dowolnym czasie.
W tym roku Ewelina Skiba przystąpiła do kursu „ How to make a poem?” zorganizowanego przez Manchester Metropolitan University, Klaudia Skiba „Learn English through TV Drama Series: My name is Lucky” przez Chasing Time English, Ewelina Kość „Explore English: Shakespeare” przez the British Council.
Participation in the course "How to make a poem?" taught me a lot. I had the opportunity to try my hand at writing a poem. I learned how to give feedback on someone else's work. I learned about new forms and techniques of poetry that I had never heard before. I liked the most that the other participants of the course could say, what are the weaknesses and the strengths of work, and at what point the work loses interest. I found out all of this and even more by joining to this course. Ewelina
It was a very good decision to join the "My name is Lucky" course. During this course, I trained my level of speaking, writing and listening in English. I found many unique and interesting ways to learn English. I learned how to ask for permission and how to apologize. I developed confidence in expressing an opinion in English. I can honestly say that this course helped me build my confidence in speaking English. Klaudia
This month I've learned a lot of facts about William Shakespeare. He was born in Stratford-upon-Avon. I've taken a course on Future Learn. I was writing and reading comments. I've read and watched a few of Shakespeare's stories like: ,,Romeo and Juliet", ,,Hamlet", ,,Macbeth", ,,Much Ado About Nothing", ,,The Tempest". All of these stories are dramas about love. I've learned that the world is my oyster. That life is not all black and white.
I've realised that love can be complicated like it was in ,,Romeo and Juliet". I've got to know words and idioms that Shakespeare invented. I really enjoyed taking this course. I could test my language skills. I recommend it to you. If you're bored you should take this course. Ewelina
Data publikacji 2022-06-20